Monday, August 27, 2012

HP Interview Questions

Skill sets:  C#, Oracle Developer

1) What is sealed class ?
2) Difference between ref, in and out parameters
3) Abstract class and override
4) Performance tuning of Oracle stored procedures
5) Difference between various bindings in WCF Services.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Miscellaneous Interview questions

1) How will you secure Web Service ?
2) Why System.object is base class in .NET frame work ?
3) Is it possible to pass HTTP header in your SOAP Service ?
4) What is the advantage of using Razor engine in MVC3 framework ?
5) What is MVVM ?

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

TESLA Motors Interview questions

About the company:
They are very picky. various levels of middle mans play games with TESLA motor openings.
Find below are some of the questions .

1) How will you Build an MVC 3 App with Database First and Entity Framework 4.1
2) HTTP Handlers and HTTP Modules difference
3) can you have more than one model in single view and how to acive that
4) when to use wshttpbinding and basichttpbinding


5) when to use var and when to use dynamic
6) what is the difference between arryalist and list
7) where do you use IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults in service debug
8) what is the use of view and what is inline view
9) What are various behaviourconfigurations in WCF

Fuzebox Interview questions

Focus was more on WinForm and multi-threading.

1) IDictionary interface
2) How do you use Assemblies Win32 API's in C# code ?
3) How to make your class not accessible to other class ?
4) Difference between interface and abstract classes
5) Difference between finalize() and dispose()
6) How do you use unmanaged code in your application ?
7) Have you written any C++ code recently ?
8) What are collections ? Difference between Arraylist and Array.
9) How will you resize WinForm with all form elements in it ?
10) Have you used any design patterns (Observer, Observable, etc.)
11) How will you call DLL's in your C# code ?
12) What is DLL Hell problem ?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Oracle Interview questions

1) Hashing vs Encryption
2) Singleton design pattern
3) Java Dynamic classloader
4) Java keywords final, synchronized
5) Java code to compare 2 maps with values

6) Is it possible to create an inner class within an interface ?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Satellite Healthcare Interview Questions

Interview questions:
1) Write a program to sum elements in array
int [] numbers = { 9, 1, 2, 7 }
Hint : Use LINQ as well as normal for-loop

2) Static variable vs Non-static variable.

3) Find the n-th highest salary of an employee.
SELECT TOP 1 salary
6 salary
ORDER BY salary

TIBCO .NET Interview Questions

C#/.NET interview questions:

1) Difference between interface and abstract classes
2) What is CLR Hosting ?  How to do it ?
3) Explain about interoperability between Java and .NET
4) What is Association, Aggregation and Composition ?
5) Is knowing C++ important for CLR hosting?