DevExpress controls are very sophisticated and easy to implement without much scripting or server side validations. Dev-Express Gridview controls comes handy when we try to get Excel kind of feeling for a grid in application. Filtering, sorting, Searching, pivoting every thing is done with setting up simple properties. In my experience i used DevExpress controls in 3 different companies i worked.
When i was working in OOCL USA Inc, their agreement builder project was using DevExpress controls intensively. Like the same HP is using Dev Express controls for their deal manager and other applications.
My current company also uses the same product for one of their automation project.
One of our developer was struggling to implement column level edit for specific fields. I spent some time found the below work around. Check CodePoject for the work around i posted. In my free time i try to post small tips to forums like code project to help other developers as well.
But IMHO even though the tools are handy, we cannot compromise on performance of application. These type of controls some times uses update panel kind of AJAX controls which decreases the website performance drastically. We should make use of proper java script libraries and write robust applications rather than using heavy controls.
But IMHO even though the tools are handy, we cannot compromise on performance of application. These type of controls some times uses update panel kind of AJAX controls which decreases the website performance drastically. We should make use of proper java script libraries and write robust applications rather than using heavy controls.